This is the reason I'm a bit behind on 365. I've taken on the job as the photographer for the youth baseball/T-ball teams this year. It's been a great learning experience and a fun way to strengthen MoeCakes as a business. And when I get cuties like can I complain?
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Day OneHundred-Seventeen
I'm back with a picture I took knowing it would be the photo of the day, just never got around to actually loading it. This was taken out of my airplane window flying from Singapore to Jakarta last Thursday. All I can think when I look at it is - So, that's heaven. Just stunning.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Day OneHundred-Sixteen
Introducing Ms. Nur -
I've saved the best for last. (We have one more security guard but he is on holiday until next week.) Ms. Nur is the reason we survive in Indonesia. She is the most hardworking and caring lady I know. She does ALL the cooking (and I mean all - I've cooked maybe 10 times over the past year and a half), and I'm convinced she is the best cook in the expat community. She also does all the cleaning, laundry, and care taking of the girls when I am out. She lives with us Monday - Saturday (leaving at noon) and has never missed a day. She spends more time with Lily as she is home at noon and I am often running around and handles her with ease and with the love of a grandmother, doing anything for her...sometimes too much! She has coffee ready every morning, fresh squeezed juice, lunches made, backpacks packed and doesn't ever miss a beat. It took 2 days for her to see how Jim and I made our coffee and has it prepared just right ever since. She has a daughter in college that she saves the little she makes to pay for her education in Economics. The best part is see her off when she leaves on Saturday afternoon. She transforms into styled hair, makeup and dress and is off to take her day and half off with her family back in her kampung. I will one day truly miss this lady. We have the life we do in Jakarta, mainly, because of this woman.
Day OneHundred-Fifteen
Introducing Gatot -
Security guard number 3!! Gatot is a man of few words...and honestly, because of that...I'm somewhat at a loss myself. As well as it's Friday night, after a long week. I will say, he is genuine, caring and aware of everything that is about to happen. He opens the door to the house, to the car, to the bus - always a step ahead. And he watches after the girls with complete sincerity...he will jog around the block while the ride their bikes if necessary. Here's a perfect example.....
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Day OneHundred-Fourteen
Introducing Irsan-
Another of our security guards who has been with us since the beginning, Irsan makes me laugh any time he is on duty. He has the classic Indonesian response to anything I (or the girls) say, which is to smile, nod and say "ya!" when in fact, he has no idea what is coming out of our mouths. But regardless, he will "converse" with Cakes for hours on end, helping to make tents, play soccer or whatever she insists at the moment. Having 4 kids of his own (3 girls), he is pretty much a pro. He was very nervous about getting his picture taken and has been hiding from me for the past couple days! So this one had to be fast and unplanned!
They ALL think I'm crazy by the way....GILA BULE, that's me.
Day OneHundred-Thirteen
Introducing Lucman-
Lucman is our driver. It is often said your driver is your most important staff member. You depend on them like no other, entrust your safety and kids safety in them, and look to them if you are EVER in any sort of accident. Drivers in Jakarta have to have more patience then any human alive. I'm not sure how they do it. At least when I am stuck in traffic I can drown myself in my iPhone, Pinterest, FB, my kindle, iPad....WHATEVER. But to sit and fight the millions of motorbikes and cars following no rules? No thanks. He gets us from point A to point B....not always on time and not always with ease, but hey, we get there, right? After the mess of drivers we dealt with the first 6 months in Jak, I'm thankful (most days) that we have him. I've been known to secretly want to strangle him more than once ....His favorite saying is "I don't know Mrs."...and I consider him one of the best dressed Indonesians around.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Day OneHundred-Twelve
Introducing Wito-
Wito is our gardener, pool man, handy man, painter, duster, floor washer and any other form of labor guru. It is rare to see him without a smile and will do any job that is asked of him. He has painted the walls of 2 homes (and repainted a few rooms in the second home). He has a 3 year old daughter named Jessica who I keep trying to get him to bring over one day. I'm pretty positive they don't have many photos of her and I would LOVE to do this for him. He speaks very little English, but is one of the best at playing pretend with Moe & Cakes. He owns only a bicycle, and it would be great to see him with his own motorbike one day. He's 28.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Day OneHundred-Eleven
I've decided that this week will be dedicated to my staff. We have a total of 7 people that work for us and keep us functioning in Indonesia. It is a "perk" of living here, to have a cook, driver, gardener and security. Many have a nanny as well. But it is also just a fact of life in Indo. Driver and security is required by the company, and I can't imagine life without our cook. It isn't all bliss, and is often like having additional kids in the house that you have to look and take after on top of your own. But overall, they become part of the family - and are a great addition to our life here.
Introducing Siko.
We met our 4 security guards in our temporary house that we lived in the first month of life in Jakarta. Often you get new guards when you move into your permanent home, but we requested that they come with us. Within the first week, they were entertaining our girls with games of hide and seek, piggy back rides and watching them while they rode their bikes in the street. And when we had a horrible security "issue" with our first driver last year, these guys were absolutely fantastic. In the aftermath of having our family threatened and even evacuated for 48 hrs, we moved into a compound. We gave them the option to stay with us or move on. All four stayed.
Siko, is a big guy with a heart of gold. He enjoys American liquor, country music, and laughing. He often sleeps in our staff quarters and hangs out when off duty. Oh, and I did I mention that Siko is the only one who speaks English? He is our go to guy when it comes to almost everything.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Day OneHundred-Nine
Yesterday began on the golf course. I may be one of the few that takes the camera along... Doesn't he look like a pro? Oh, and I actually made a birdie at hole 16! It was just enough to make me want to come back and try week??
Friday, January 20, 2012
Day OneHundred-Eight
I truly thought that my picture of the day would be of a blank wall. Because that's about how my day has gone.... A whole lot of boring. So when I looked over and saw the light hitting Moe just right, I instantly got up to capture something better than a blank wall..... Glad I did.
"A face with no freckles is like a night without stars"
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Day OneHundred-Seven
Yesterday - scarves by Moe. Today - boas by Cakes.
This girl loves dress up - and I mean LOVES. I was sitting on the couch talking with a friend, when I hear a clunk, clunk, clunk. In comes Cakes dragging her suitcase full of dress up behind her down the stairs, along with her backpack filled with make-up and hair supplies. She called this look "Feather Monster".... I'd have to agree. (and just a couple extra b/c I'm really happy with the turnout!)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Day OneHundred-Six
What do you get when you have a sad child and a scarf? A fantastic photo opp. Is it cruel that the minute after you ground your child for being sent to the Asst. Principal's office (I know, right!!?? - but she did tell us herself, which counts for a lot - believe me, Cakes NEVER would), I say...before you head to your room, can I get a quick picture? The life of a photographer's child just never ends. Creative Cruelty at it's finest.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Day One-Hundred-Five
Part II - Remember, how I said the two girls couldn't be more different. This is Moe after lights have been on for at least 10 minutes and her sister is dressed, teeth brushed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Can't imagine how it will be 5+ years from now. She is for sure my NIGHT STAR!
Day OneHundred-Four
Part I - Two girls, two beds, one bedroom. Morning wake-up call couldn't be more different. This is Cakes before I even had a chance to turn on the light! She is for sure my MORNING SUNSHINE!
(I had thought of capturing this while hitting my snooze button - so had the camera up and ready!)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Day OneHundred-Three
Rainy season in Jakarta almost guarantees a good down pour around lunch time or early evening. During the week it's just added misery (traffic + rain = HOURS). But on the means LAZY DAYS. Don't they just look comfortable? So what do I do? Grab the camera and then spend the next 2 hours playing on the computer uninterrupted...notice the logo?
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Day OneHundred-One
And a tie into photography...I recreated all the road signs from photos I took while in New Zealand just for this project! See there IS a connection!
Title: Dominoes Anyone?
It's rare to actually see where the MILLIONS of motorbikes go when they aren't on the streets (who I am kidding, there are always motorbikes clogging the streets) - but when I passed by this "parking lot" of bikes, I had to have my driver turn around and go back. Just blame it on the "gila bule" again. Oh, and that used to be a tunnel...I can't imagine what it is like when they have to actually leave.
And a special pat on the back....we made it to the 100 mark! Only 265 to go!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Day Ninety-Nine
My Cakes best face....
Today's photo is a shot I took last February of my Cakes. It was taken on the beaches of Bali and is one of my all time favorites of my little girl. All the attitude of my Lily is wrapped up in her stare... I just know those baby blues will be the death of me (and her dad) one day!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Day Ninety-Seven & Day Ninety-Eight
I've spoken so much of the range of scenery (at every turn-and believe me there are a lot of turns) that you experience on the South Island. This post in honor of that statement. Starting at the top left and working left to right on each row, is the range from ONE DAY of our trip.
Not sure how many times I can say it, but it was absolutely stunning. It is a trip everyone should take in their lifetime. Add it to your bucket list. I feel so blessed that I can say I've been.
Side Note:
Monday consisted of travel. Up at 3:30 at the airport by 4, to Sydney and then back to Jak. We walked throughout the door at 9:30pm. Because of this I have no picture of the day. And if you are wondering why it is counting as 2 days...well, it can get a bit confusing at times, and it's boring technical details that occur due to living in Indo. So, bear with me. I figured, as there are actually 8 pictures in this one post, it is allowed. Oh, and it's my rules, right?
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Day Ninety-Six
Day Ninety-Six
Day 10 - New Zealand
After saying goodbye to Crystal and the "PS" camper, we took advantage of our last day in NZ by enjoying the perfect weather and wandering around the Botanic Gardens. We were lucky to find a summer concert in full swing, so even had some great music as we roamed the park. When I grabbed this shot I knew it was the perfect "365 NZ Time" wrap-up to one of the BEST VACATIONS EVER.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
Day Ninety-Four
Day Ninety-Four
Day 8 - New Zealand
Buller Gorge Swingbridge is the longest swingbridge in New Zealand, as if I didn't have enough testing of my heights fear this trip. Best part, zip lining back with the girls. It was nothing compared to the walk across.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Day Ninety-Three
Day Ninety-Three
Day 7 - New Zealand
A day that began at a glacier, followed by a reflecting lake, the West Coast HW, the Tasman Sea, Pancake Rocks, and ice cream...ended with this.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Day Ninety-One
Day Ninety-One
Day 5 - New Zealand
People sometimes talk of a bucket list, and the things that would go onto that list, if it actually existed. Today I was actually able to check something off of my "list". And it was no slight task, believe me.
Those close to me know my fear of heights. This isn't a normal "fear"... it has truly taken me down more than once. It's gotten worse with age, to the point that I froze at the top of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, started to cry at the top of a lighthouse on Belitung Island, and once even had to talk myself out of fainting while watching some kids climb up the back of bleachers at my old high school football stadium. It's truly sad.
So, the fact that I actually jumped off the Kawarau bridge (the ORIGINAL site of the very first bungy) with my best friend, Crystal, is more than worthy of today's blog (and my bucket list).
I was very proud. And later asked if I enjoyed it .... it was absolutely thrilling and freakin' awesome.
Below is a collage of photos taken by AJ Hackett Bungy of our jump. WHOOHOO!!!!
And to read more about the Kawarau Bridge Bungy:
Monday, January 2, 2012
Day Ninety
Day Ninety
Day 4 - New Zealand
One of the MANY perks of having your best friend along on vacation is that you and your husband can go out for a 4 hour photo tour (that turned into close to 6). The drive to get to this vantage point and then back down again was more than half the total time, but it was a stunning view. So, this day's blog is dedicated to her.
Love you Crystal!
Lake Wanaka, Otago, New Zealand
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Day Eighty-Nine
Day Eighty-Nine
Day 3 - New Zealand
As we drove from Mt. Cook to Lake Wanaka we couldn't help but notice (manmade) piles of rocks along the road through an area known as Lindis Pass. (We later found out this is for no reason other than just that!) It didn't take long for us to stop and make our own's kind of fun "knowing" that I may be back in Jakarta, but a little of us is still "piled" in NZ!
Here is the group's final pile, autographs on the top rock and all.
And if you are wondering what we got to look at during our lunch "break" on the other side of the road looked you go. Just couldn't pass this one up.
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- Day Ninety-Nine
- Day Ninety-Seven & Day Ninety-Eight
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- Day Ninety-Five
- Day Ninety-Four
- Day Ninety-Three
- Day Ninety-Two
- Day Ninety-One
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- Day Eighty-Nine
Contact Me
A Photoblog by MoeCakes Photography that shares a single photo on a daily basis. Lasting a total of 365 days, it will not only create a daily (and collective) glimpse into my personal life, but challenge me as a photographer to utilize and develop my skills in new and unique ways.
About Me

- Lisa @ MoeCakes
- Grad Student. Wife. Mom. An artist, yogi, photographer, graphic designer, former teacher and has been part of my life since I can remember. I love the sound of a shutter clicking, travel, lotus flowers, inversions, backyards, an ice cold G&T, a great pair of shoes, and an inspiring read....just to name a few. I truly believe Ewan MacGregor could be my best friend and I was a dancer in my past life....or at least should have been. (And no, I can't dance.) LIFE IS GOOD.