80 degrees, clear blue skies, Beaumont, and a Saturday afternoon = perfect combination for washing a car. I still remember when my dad taught me the RIGHT way to wash a car. And yes, there is a right and wrong way. I can't say that Cakes was following the rules, but it was a first in her life. Something as simple as washing a car... I just love seeing those firsts in Moe and Cakes lives.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Day OneHundred-SixtyFour
Nothing says Texas like this spread. Mamasita's is a family favorite and often where you will find the Finkel clan on a Friday or Saturday night. Can you blame us? Chips, queso, and rita's... yes, please, keep it coming.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Day OneHundred-SixtyThree
We thought by stopping over in Amsterdam the jet lag wouldn't be so bad. It's half way between here and there - splitting the 12 hour difference. But for whatever reason, it's been misery! Asleep by 5 and up around 3 day in and day out.... Makes for great morning runs for me, but long, long days. Looking forward to being back on track.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Day OneHundred-SixtyTwo
It's time to play a little bit of catch up. And let's blame it all on this.....HOME.
There isn't much better a feeling to me then driving down the familiar streets of Middlebrook Dr., onto Glenshannon Dr., hitting the cul-de-sac, and seeing this. The house I grew up in. It's a sense of comfort, safety and just a sigh of complete peace. It's home. And I love it.
MoeCakes is home.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Day OneHundred-SixtyOne
Not five steps away from standing in this guy's spot to grab the same picture, completely wrapped up looking through his own lens, he took my spot. At first I chuckled b/c I'm sure I've done it to some innocent bystander more than once, but then as I waited I noticed a slightly different perspective. Of course I would have loved to have no people in the background, but it's not really practical at 1:00 in the afternoon on a clear day and who really wants something so posed anyway? Next time maybe I'll get up at 3 am to grab the "perfect" picture....maybe.
For more pics of the last three days check out MoeCakes latest ArtOfLife - Sessions&Such
Monday, March 26, 2012
Day OneHundred-Sixty
Today was spent exploring the streets and canals of Amsterdam Center - basically the heart of Amsterdam. Another day filled with gorgeous weather, canals, buildings full of character (see above), lunch and drink relaxing at a cafe, kids chasing pigeons, style, and history.... I think I fell in love. Maybe I'm actually part Dutch, yea, I'll go with that. Beautiful city. Can't wait for more tomorrow.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Day OneHundred-FiftyNine
On our way to our "new life" back stateside, we decided to make one last stop to visit some great friends for a few days that we met while living in Jakarta, who now live in Amsterdam. We arrived to an afternoon of perfect weather, clear blue skies, open fields, and the beginnings of Spring. The city is built for outdoor recreation, and the people were taking full advantage. We decided to take the crew to the Amsterdam Forest (or Bos) where the kids enjoyed feeding the goats and chickens, playing on the playground, running around a huge maze, and just exploring -- basically just enjoyed being kids! The parents got to bask in the glorious sun and catch up. Wonderful way to make our back across the globe.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Dat OneHundred-FiftyEight
This was taken at the end of last week on one of the final days of packing. Figured it was the appropriate way to finish off the Jakarta phase of 365. It was an adventure and one that will never be forgotten.
Now onto the next phase of TheArtOfDailyLife....
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Day OneHundred-FiftySeven
Only those that live in Jakarta will understand this one. 4:30am EVERY morning I am woken by the sound of the 3 loud speakers surrounding our house blasting the first Call to Prayer of the day. EVERY morning. The alarm doesn't go off for another hour, but it doesn't matter, it's my own "personal" (sorry to say but annoying and tiring) alarm clock. Oh, and we only have to hear it another 5 times throughout the rest of the day. To each their own, and I am very respectful of everyone's beliefs and religions...but this I WILL NOT MISS.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Day OneHundred-FiftySix
Will. Miss. These. Kids.
Mom and Dad have an amazing group of friends here in Jak, as do Moe and Cakes. Their going away party was this past Friday. 25 kids, pizza and swim = a great time. I think it is so neat that my girls will have built in friends all over the world. And I will do my part to make sure that they keep them for a long, long time.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Day OneHundred-FiftyFive
Golf. I never thought I would say it..... But I will miss golf, or the ease (and time) to golf in Jakarta. In Jakarta it's decently priced (cheap at some courses) but all come with your own caddy...The first time I have to drag and choose my own club will be a challenge for sure! Hubby bought me my first clubs when we moved here and I had never even been on a course. We didn't spend much money on them, as hubby said if I kept with the game then we would improve the clubs. Yesterday, hubby and I played our last 18 together in Jak, and we both agreed, it's time for new clubs! I really do enjoy playing and really hope I can make time for it - at least every now and then - in Houston.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Day OneHundred-FiftyFour
The ungodly number of cars, motorbikes, and other vehicles with no emissions regulations that line the roads of Jakarta means pollution. One of the side effects of this pollution is the black coating that covers everything... And I mean everything. Inside and out. Our floors can't go more than a day without being washed or else the black begins to appear. These black-bottomed feet are after not even an hour of outside play. You would think I've been letting them run through the streets or something....nope, just our garage and driveway. It's gross. It's bothering. It's harmful. It's on the list of things that WON'T be missed.
Day OneHundred-FiftyThree
Remember Nur?
The lady who can make anything?
The lady who runs the house?
The lady who never complains?
The lady who has never missed a day of work?
The lady who loves my two beauties like her own?
The lady that will be oh, so missed?
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Day OneHundred-FiftyTwo
Gin : Tonic
Jakarta : Traffic
Simply put, you can't have one without the other. (And yes, G&T, was used on purpose). Doesn't matter when, doesn't matter where. It just is. People may complain from time to time that Houston traffic is bad, or the traffic in LA sucks. Well, yes, traffic is never fun. But you don't know traffic until you have driven the roads of Jakarta. I cannot say it enough..... I will NOT miss this.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Day OneHundred-FiftyOne
It's down to the wire, folks. Movers arrive on Monday and we will be on our way to Texas 5 days after that. This means several things....I don't have as many "empty" moments as I do "full". Loading a picture every day, well, it just won't happen. Our internet will soon be shut off. So, I will continue to take what I can and load what I can, but there may be gaps from time to time!
I've decided the last couple weeks in Jakarta I'm going to follow a theme of "Will and Won't" - meaning, things I will miss about life in Jakarta, as well as things I won't miss about living in Jakarta. Think of it as the Pros and Cons of Expat life!
Today's pic is by far the number one thing I will miss. The expat community. It's a built in network, family, support, release....all in one. Everyone is in the same boat, and no one quite understands except this group. There is nothing like a great dinner with some of the best people in the city. Chinese food ordered by a Chinese firecracker? GUARANTEED to be one of the best. meals. ever. And tonight didn't disappoint.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Day OneHundred-Fifty
I captured this moment at the back gate of our compound. It isn't a road often visited as it leads into the heart of the kampung behind our house. The road is more than busy with motorbikes and taxis flying through at any given moment. I just couldn't help but do a double take when I saw this scene...and luckily I had my camera in hand.
Day OneHundred-FortyNine
Happiness is a daughter's love.
Saturday night was spent in a post production world, with my Mac and the Caron family. It was a fantastic shoot with great late afternoon lighting. Out of all the shots taken that day...this had to be at the top of my list. The look on her face is just pure and simple and shows the importance of Mom in every girl's life.
Day OneHundred-FortyEight
I grew up in a game playing family....we still try to play a game or two when we all get together (but with 12 adults and 9 kids (under the age of 8) it doesn't happen all that often). Now as a parent, I am a huge advocate of a shelf filled with games. Watching Moe & Cakes fight time in "the game of Perfection" was pretty classic. That pop got them EVERY time....
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Day OneHundred-FortySeven
When you find out you are moving from Indonesia, there becomes a "mad-dash" to purchase all of things that you had planned to buy "one day" while living there. Galleri Pot is high on the list for their huge and wonderful selection of handmade pottery, vases, lamps, etc. (they actually export much of their goods to state businesses such as Pier 1). Any teak furniture you've been dreaming to have is also a top choice. Framing is another well priced benefit of living in Jakarta. For us, it was finding a stone Ganesha. The god of wisdom and remover of obstacles, this deity holds a special place in our family ever since our time in Lombok and the Gilis. We knew it was just absolutely necessary :-) to have in our next home! With all the stone "shops" lining the streets you would think it would be easy to come by....but you know how it is, when you aren't looking for something it is everywhere - as soon as you want something, it disappears! Today the search ended.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Day OneHundred-FortySix
"Innocent Beauty"
iheartfaces Beautiful B/W Photo Challenge
I captured this little girl while visiting Belitung Island, Indonesia. The island is made up of beautiful rock formations and a mile long fishing village entirely built on bamboo stilts. Cameras are not something they encounter very often, so the reactions when I would show them the shot on my LCD screen after I took the picture was truly inspiring. The children would follow behind and continually yell, "Mrs! Photo! Photo!" or duck behind each other, the walls, their parents' legs....or behind their hand, like this little girl. She was completely awestruck when I showed her the image of herself. Her innocence and beauty simply stole my heart.
Day OneHundred-FortyFive
No, your eyes are not deceiving you....it says Bacon-Flavored Milk Chocolate. When you live in a country where pork products are near impossible to come by, and see this in a candy shop in NYC, it's a no brainer... You must buy it for family and friends back in Jak. However, it soon becomes one of those moments in time that you ask yourself .... "WHY IN THE WORLD DID I THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?" Because no matter who you buy it for, you know you will HAVE to try it. And let me just tell you..... IT WAS HIDEOUS.
And just for giggles, here is a sneak at Cakes acting out the process (of course it is with peanut butter filled chocolate, b/c she couldn't try the bacon-flavored again...."seriously mom, just cannot do it").
Monday, March 5, 2012
Day OneHundred-FortyFour
I'd say the chips and queso as an after school snack was a success... Gotta love a little Velveeta in your life. Thank goodness those blocks can be stuffed in a suitcase!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Day OneHundred-FortyThree
Other than travel, the best part of Expat life is the friends you make along the way. The bonds tend to be fast, strong and lasting as they become your family away from home. Sharing the good, bad and ugly makes everyday life that much more manageable and entertaining. Last night our wonderful friends two doors down threw us a farewell party. The theme....Red Solo Cup, the attire....White Trash, the food....Barbeque and Brisket, the drink....Margarita's and A LOT of Beer. The decor was amazing, from sheet covered couches, to tire plant potters, to the rooster and chicken wandering in the backyard. Yes, I said rooster and chicken. Fun was had by all (and was had late into the night and even early into the morning for some!). It was a great way to wrap up our time in Jakarta and the friends we have made will be greatly missed and long after be maintained and cherished.
The hubby.... he does white trash well. Ain't he cute?
The Decor
Friday, March 2, 2012
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Contact Me
A Photoblog by MoeCakes Photography that shares a single photo on a daily basis. Lasting a total of 365 days, it will not only create a daily (and collective) glimpse into my personal life, but challenge me as a photographer to utilize and develop my skills in new and unique ways.
About Me

- Lisa @ MoeCakes
- Grad Student. Wife. Mom. An artist, yogi, photographer, graphic designer, former teacher and expat...photography has been part of my life since I can remember. I love the sound of a shutter clicking, travel, lotus flowers, inversions, backyards, an ice cold G&T, a great pair of shoes, and an inspiring read....just to name a few. I truly believe Ewan MacGregor could be my best friend and I was a dancer in my past life....or at least should have been. (And no, I can't dance.) LIFE IS GOOD.