Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Eighteen

Remember me?  I'm trying to catch back up.... Important word there is trying.  It's been awhile since I took these, and they've been sitting in my catalogs just waiting to be edited!  So here go a few...

Who doesn't love a little girl in make-up and costume waiting for her first dance recital?  Especially when she's your niece!  Miss Emily is all girl and she was ready to show off her twirls, toe-pointing and tulle.  Somehow,  I don't think this will be her last recital.....

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

365 IS alive.... Just on pause.

Published on 6/6/2012 - So if you follow 365 you know what is going on right now... a (overwhelming) move-in.  It's not like I'm new at this, my goodness, I think it is something like our 14th move in 12 years or something like that!  But for whatever reason, I feel like I am drowning in boxes, knick-knacks, daughters and all 365 is on the back burner at the moment.  I'm doing my best to keep up my picture a day habit, but edit and upload?  It ain't happening these days.  Is this my 3rd, 4th, hiatus in the last 365 day???  Apologies... and as soon as I'm - at least treading water again - I'll be catching back up!

Day TwoHundred-Seventeen

This is the 9th "season" of my Wednesday/Thursday night ritual.  I've been absolutely addicted since DayOne and am an avid fan of SYTYCD.  I've watched it from my couch in Texas, to Oklahoma, to California, to Indonesia and back.  Very often it is with a goofy grin on my face, or tears in my eyes, but always with the sigh of..... I so love this show and wish I could do that!  Last summer, while I was staying at my parents house for the summer holidays, my mom and I added to the Wednesday night tradition with sushi, wine and SYTYCD.  Low and behold, I was back in the same spot for the beginning of Season 9!  Tonight, marks the last night I'll be near enough to continue our tradition together, but no doubt I will have my sushi and wine every week in my new house and will call or text Mom AT LEAST a few times throughout the show :-) .

Here's to the Hot Tamale Train....WHOO WHOO!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Sixteen

I'd say someone had a tiring Memorial Day did his mom and that's why it was an iPhone kind of day.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Fifteen

How many men+ladders+cursewords+laughter does it take to hang two wooden Indonesian carvings on the second story niches that the wife wants them on?  See above.

Thanks guys.  As you know, it couldn't have been done without your help!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Fourteen

I wasn't sure what picture to choose from today because the whole night was such a good time.  So, I decided to go with the initial picture from the night, but post the rest on Sessions&Such.  The Memorial Day Dance Party that took place on our back porch with some great friends and our "new-across-the-street-neighbors-who-happen-to-be-friends-from-college" was something to be captured.  Moe isn't usually one to be the center of attention unless it has to do with something she has created, so when she busted out her "moves" we were all a bit taken aback...but it didn't stop until all the giggling girls got involved.  I think this group will have no problem getting along - and the fact that they live across the street - makes it all that much better!

For more of the Memorial Day Dance Party.... check out It's dance.

Day TwoHundred-Thirteen

After a full day of (directing) the unload and unpack, beginning the organization of a new house, and then  an evening of celebration for a friend's birthday - it was so nice to unwind with "just a few" more beers on our NEW back patio.

These two???  Well let's just say they know how to get along.  How lucky am I that my best friend happens to consider my husband as not only one of her best friends, but as basically a brother?  Sitting across from them (at around 12:30am) had to be my favorite part of the entire day.  I can't express how much I love this grouping of shots, as well as the two people involved.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Twelve

Today was moving day.  We have pretty much lost count, but this is what I think to be our 13th move in the 12ish years since my hubby and I met.  Needless to say, we are pros.  What started with 1,000lbs moved by the company, somewhat boxed and then left in the garage for us to unpack and re-organize (and the rest on our dime), has turned into a 60 foot 18-wheeler and 6 men, to unload, unpack and put in the correct rooms while we sit in lawn chairs with a cooler of beer.  This was the best one yet.  They arrived at 9am and pulled away at 4pm, with no breaks in-between.  Javier (the captain of the crew) put it well, "Ma'am everything is unboxed and unpacked.  Your house looks like a bomb has gone off, but we are done."  Good job boys and thanks!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Eleven

After a closing like today, it's wonderful to come home to a housewarming gift like this one...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Ten

I don't think the first little pig is supposed to be checking out the happenings around the corner between the third little pig and wolf.... you built your house out of straw, girl.... now you're stuck with your siblings in the house of brick.

(Taken during actual video-time on my 7D...which I'd like to say is back from the U.S.A. Canon doctor's office - healthy and happy!)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Nine

Decided it was an abstract kind of day.  Interested to do more shooting through rain/water soaked glass.  Not sure why, just kind of intriguing for some reason.  

And how bout this one for a little creep-o factor??  It actually makes me laugh...Kind of Psycho-esque!  But oddly entertaining nonetheless.... No?  Am I just warped?  That's a rhetorical question, FYI!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Eight

We've had unused cascarones (confetti eggs) since Easter.  Today I found a use for them!  Prop practice!  What a fun prop idea.  Will definitely have to keep this in my session bag of tricks...


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Seven

They CAN get along.... even if it is only in their subconscious minds.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Six

Remember, the daily themed May calendar at school?  Well, this is our favorite one.  Brought a little of a past Jakarta-do back with us.  I think Moe wins for this one.  And she has to give Ike a big hug every morning before she heads out.... Love.

And just because they are so much fun!!  (Yes, Cakes had to get in the action too!)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Four

Moe has a calendar that was sent home from school for the month of May.  Each day has a different theme to keep everyone motivated to get up and finish off the year.  Question of the day:  What was today's theme??  :-)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Three

I wish the image was a bit more in focus, but that's what happens when you're holding the camera out in front of you hoping for the best!  Moe was sitting next to me watching some Ellen and it seemed the perfect time to see what I might capture.  From the original....

Moe stole the shot.  She truly has some of the best hair around, always the perfect frame, and those freckles, and then those eyes.  And finally, I debated between color and b/w, but kept being pulled to the high contrast quality from the b/w and added dynamic edge when cropped close.  Yes/No?  

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day TwoHundred-Two

Ike has always been one to fall asleep while sitting up.....and after the past few days, this is how I feel tonight.  It's time for bed.  Goodnight.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day TwoHundred-One

Day 201.  Can you believe it?  And I am so faltering.  I'm sorry.  I just can't seem to feel inspired, keep current on uploads or anything.  And the last couple days have been no different.  So, I'll be using pics from Saturday all dedicated to our absent (but not for long) family member.  

Day 201 falls on Mother's Day.  Of all days, the camera should have been out, but it wasn't.  I didn't take this picture (props to the husband), but did the post edit and since I was in it, felt it was appropriate for the day.  Happy Mother's Day to all those who take on the amazing, life-changing, often difficult, but always rewarding job.....Especially my own.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day TwoHundred

It's our baby boy, Ike.  It's been 2 years since we dropped him off with my brother in law b/c he couldn't come to Jakarta with us.  They loved him like their own and we are so thankful he comes back to us healthy and happy.  A little more gray around the edges and close to 40lbs heavier, but who of us aren't?  ;-)  He comes home later this week and I can't wait to have the 133lb. lap dog back where he belongs. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day OneHundred-NinetyNine

This morning was a big deal.  Dad is off every other Friday and promised Moe that he would ride his bike to school with her the first chance they was that day.  She was up at 6 am ready to go!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day OneHundred-NinetyEight

She's funny and she knows it.   This is what Cakes does to entertain herself, and though it may not last long, entertaining herself she does!  Notice what is on the iPad in front of her...a microphone.  Who knew listening back to what you said 30 seconds prior could be so funny!?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day OneHundred-NinetySix

Today I re-used a past DailyLife picture for this month's photo challenge on iheartfaces.  The theme for May is "Hey Girl".  I've always felt that this image radiates with girlish glee.  The mouth is typically such an integral part in showing emotion of the face, but I feel it just works without actually seeing either smile in this one.  I mean, tulle, glitter, and giggles... does it get more girlie than that?!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day OneHundred-NinetyFive

So this may not look like much to you, but today I received my birthday gift from the hubby along with my new business cards!  Double wonderful!  What girl doesn't need a bright pink leather camera bag???  Well, this girl does!!!  I've only been hinting at it since February and it showed up on my doorstep today. It holds two cameras, accessories and my Macbook!  Thank you Mr. Awesome!  And the business cards with the raised ink have a bit of a sheen and glitter to them -- made my design even better than I had hoped!  MoeCakes stateside is open for business.  YEAH!!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day OneHundred-NinetyFour

Remember those 7 kids I talked about in yesterday's post?  Here they are!  Taken yesterday as well, but it sums up the weekend, so I had to use.  Lots of giggles, lots of squeals and lots of activity.  Think they had fun?

Thank you Tomas and Jessica for letting us all crash at your place to celebrate my birthday and Cinco de Mayo.  We had a wonderful time (but then again, when do we not?!).  Love you guys!  Keep those pockets full of sunshine.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day OneHundred-NinetyThree

I've known this big boy since he was a puppy (and his mom happens to be my best friend)!  We actually met because of Max and our first puppy girl, Macey.  Macey passed away far too young 5 years ago, but to this day you can ask Max where Macey is and he gets excited.  He may not move quite as fast as he used to, but that face and those ears will never get old.  Love you Maxey!  So glad I got to spend the weekend with you and your mom!!

And I just had to share this second shot of Max.  With 7 kids running around he wore out pretty quickly.  He's used to a much slower paced life!  This is where we found him hiding out for a nap......

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day OneHundred-NinetyTwo

Happy Birthday to Me!  Spent celebrating in Austin with some great friends and other way.  It's not the most exciting shot (and focus is a bit off!) but it was the only one taken today and we had been enjoying some cold beverages by this point in the night.  ;-)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day OneHundred-NinetyOne

I just can't seem to get enough of swings these days!  It's the perfect setting to practice so many different techniques....and meanwhile it keeps Cakes entertained!  For those photo gurus out there, I don't usually shoot in shutter priority mode, as most of my subjects aren't usually moving at a "high speed"....but I decided to do so today.  It was exactly what I wanted...great practice.  I loved how the movement of Cakes swinging is literally frozen in time and especially love the sharpness of the ribbon trailing behind her.  I plan to play a bit more with this aspect of photography...soon.

Oh, and my goodness, is there any other way to glide across your backyard?  In full dress-up, barefoot and ribbon trailing behind?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day OneHundred-Ninety

I still find it such a thrill every time I meet a child of one of MY childhood friends.  Circle of life, right?  Today I had lunch with one of my oldest and dearest friends.  Over 20 years ago, she and I met in gymnastics and have truly grown up together...competed for many years together, lived in different parts of town, went to rival high schools, and different colleges, but we we have remained close.  She stood by me on my wedding day (even caught the bouquet) and I waddled my way down the aisle at her wedding (VERY pregnant)!  Today I met her youngest.  What a beauty, just like her mom.  And the picture doesn't do her eyes justice.  Absolutely stunning!  So nice to meet you, Miss Mia!


A Photoblog by MoeCakes Photography that shares a single photo on a daily basis. Lasting a total of 365 days, it will not only create a daily (and collective) glimpse into my personal life, but challenge me as a photographer to utilize and develop my skills in new and unique ways.

About Me

My photo
Grad Student. Wife. Mom. An artist, yogi, photographer, graphic designer, former teacher and has been part of my life since I can remember. I love the sound of a shutter clicking, travel, lotus flowers, inversions, backyards, an ice cold G&T, a great pair of shoes, and an inspiring read....just to name a few. I truly believe Ewan MacGregor could be my best friend and I was a dancer in my past life....or at least should have been. (And no, I can't dance.) LIFE IS GOOD.