Saturday, June 30, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FortyFive
Papa is known for many things but his number one claim to fame (within his grandkid population) is his famous French Toast. It is talked about often, compared to often, but replicated by few. So, it was a must that the first morning in Port A had to begin with nothing other than.... Papa's French Toast. Other than blowing out half the fuses in the kitchen (only to blow out the other half the following morning) they were a HUGE success. The average number eaten by most kids? Three. (Only b/c the parents made them stop there!)
Papa's Famous French Toast
Friday, June 29, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FortyFour
For the past 4 years the Finkel side of my family has continued a summer tradition of renting a beach house in Port Aransas for a few days. It has evolved over the years from babies in the sand to kids (and parents) boogie boarding all day long - but either way it is a great way for all the cousins to hang out. It is also a time that I take HUNDREDS of pictures. To minimize my overabundance of pictures to weed through, I decided to focus on getting shots of all 9 cousins together, as this doesn't happen all that often. Pure fun.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FortyThree
Today I was unpacking the last few boxes filled with CD's. Anyone that knows me, knows the true obsession I have with my music and movie collections. I honestly have had nightmares about my CD collection being stolen. Well, as new technology has developed, iTunes has taken over, and iPods/iphones/ipads have become the norm, deciding what to do with my 500 CD's is major dilemma. You don't understand how much I dream of having an office one day lined with (yes, alphabetically) CD's, movies and books. There is something about the perfect organization of these items that I love. A few years ago, my hubby transferred every CD we own to our iTunes, but I still can't seem to part with the actual cases and discs. As I moved all the CD's to an old chest for storage today, I had to laugh at what I found. CD's that I would NEVER part with, i.e. my Billboard 80's collection, and then those that I'm not sure why I still have, i.e. Clay Aiken.....Nevertheless, they all still made it to the chest for the time being - even Mr. Aiken.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FortyTwo
Yes, I was once addicted to beanie babies (oh, and I started way before the craze hit). Yes, I have kept all 300 I own. Yes, I have passed them down to my children. Yes, I still have a special place for many of the first one's I ever owned. Yes, it's weird. --- Today I was called upstairs to be part of Moe's "Beanie Baby Pet Shop". She had them all categorized and lined up by type of animal. (I think she has a bit of my crazy within.) We were to choose the "pets" we wanted to purchase and then she listed them out for our receipt. It truly never stops with Moe.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FortyOne
To my drama-filled, question-asking, non-stop talking, hilarious, sweet and beautiful FIVE year old little girl. You've been waiting months to "be big". Today's your day...sigh. Happy Birthday Cakes!
P.S. This is the same picture and post I used via FB and my iPhone because my CF card decided to crash on me, losing all pictures taken on Cakes 5th birthday. Why does that only happen on days you REALLY want the pictures you take?? Very painful to say the least.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Day TwoHundred-Forty
While the unpacking process continues, more boxes are being discovered that are creating quite a stir with Moe & Cakes. Today the excitement was due to two boxes labeled, "Ally's Special Box" and "Lily's Special Box". These are two containers that I created specifically for a moment like today. They are filled with newborn and first year of life memories - kind of like their own 'baby book' collection. Moe was especially intrigued when she found the notes that were written by her Grandma, Papa, Aunts and Uncles (on Mom's side). These notes were written for my baby shower, addressed to her, and were to describe a memory(s) that involved that family member and her mom (Me!). She was quite entertained. There were giggles (when the word boyfriends, shaved legs, pretending to be asleep for (Papa), and such were mentioned), questions (like what does 'sneaking out' mean, or how did you break your arm, or did you really do that) but overall smiles the whole time SHE read each and every note. THIS was why I created the boxes and have several other similar 'memory containers' from different times in our lives.
Oh, and for the record, many of the memories I don't quite remember the same way as that particular family member!!!
And couldn't they have just said "Dear Ally, You have the most awesome mother a girl could have! She is the best sister/daughter ever!" ??? Geez people! ;-)
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Day TwoHundred-ThirtyNine
While the parents enjoyed Sangria Saturday Cakes decided to sweep up the back porch a bit, in Cakes style. Cakes is always good for a laugh.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Day TwoHundred-ThirtySeven
Staying up late + Early Morning Swim Lessons = See Above.
P.S. What was Mom thinking signing up for 8am swim lessons in the summer?? Poor planning.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Day TwoHundred-ThirtyFour
What do you get with two little girls on a rainy Tuesday afternoon? Tea-time. Notice Mom's place is set as well... however, not facing the television.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Day TwoHundred-ThirtyTwo
The weekend was spent in Beaumont celebrating the life of a man and father of a good friend that my hubby grew up with. It was a bittersweet weekend, being able to catch up and see many people that we hadn't seen in several years, but at the same time, the reason surrounding the get together sad and difficult. It made Father's Day that much more meaningful.
Mr. Awesome is the love of my life and wonderful Father to these two little girls. Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dad's in my life..... especially the one above....
.....And the one below. To my own Dad, I'm so glad we are both back home. I heard it said this weekend that "his greatest success in life was his family" and it immediately made me think of you. You did good. I love you.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Day TwoHundred-ThirtyOne
You don't know how happy it makes me to have an organized closet. I'm a little bit of a freak about it. My sis-in-law says that we make fun of her wacko tendencies but really I just keep mine hidden. There is a bit of truth to that statement. Notice the few plastic hangers in the midst of the wooden ones up top. It truly makes me cringe. I know, I need help.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Day TwoHundred-Thirty
So it's not an actual photograph, but it is an original by me. The hubs posted it yesterday on FB and it's been so long since I've really seen it (as it's kept in his office). It's a house that holds many memories and great time with great friends. It's no longer there, so in our memories and on print it will have to remain! I forget that I can actually draw, as it's not something I do very often....hmmmm maybe when 365 is over :-).
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Day TwoHundred-TwentyEight
Dad thought I was a little cruel grabbing this shot while Moe cried, but hey, it became my pic of the day.... so it was worth it right? Elbow and knee scrapes and bruises - just part of the bike riding territory - and she handled it like a pro (both getting her picture taken and the scratches :-) ).
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Day TwoHundred-TwentySeven
When you are watching 4 girls and need to entertain the 3 year old, just pull out the bubble wrap. It works wonders! Instant zone out and pop, pop, pop, pop, pop for a good 30 minutes!!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Day TwoHundred-TwentySix
When going through yet MORE boxes I came across a still-sealed packet of stationary and cards from our homebuilder of our house TWO moves ago....which just happens to be 3 miles from our new house and the same builder. However, times have changed, no stationary on this go round!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Day TwoHundred-TwentyFive
One of the things Cakes loves most since returning to the states is commercials. I think it's partially the age and partially the fact that any commercials she saw in Jakarta were in Bahasa Indonesian so she didn't understand, and prior to that doesn't remember them. To her, if they say it on TV it must be true. She would probably be As Seen on TV's number one fan at this point. And this is one of those items, the GyroBowl. I don't how many times I heard "Mom, there's this bowl that I want and it DOESN'T SPILL!!" It was even at the top of her birthday wish list. So when my best friend brought this home to her, she was thrilled. It's been a huge hit and she has eaten out of it almost every day since. Oh, and it will spill if swung hard enough.... or barely at all.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Day TwoHundred-TwentyThree
Remember, my sunset shoot from yesterday? Well, here is one of my faves. Oddly enough, I met this crew in Jakarta and now we live less than a mile away from each other. They are a wonderful family with two beautiful sisters and one spunky younger brother. It's a Dad's day gift so we've got to keep this under wraps until after the big reveal. And I'm banking on the fact that Dad doesn't follow 365! But be sure to check out TheArtOfLife - Sessions & Such on Monday, June 18th for more from this trio.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Day TwoHundred-TwentyTwo
I had a sunset photo shoot first one back in the Lone Star state. This was taken as I was prepping for lighting prior to the shoot. I love benches. They have a sense of calm that come with them, especially when empty. Can I go sit there, please?
....And yes, still catching up!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Day TwoHundred-TwentyOne
A bit of a cheat, as this picture was actually taken a couple days ago at my niece's birthday party, but I LOVE this shot. So simple, yet it just screams "all boy" to me.... and in a house full of "all girl" I don't get that much!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Day Two-Hundred-Nineteen
This red & white striped sweet pea is another niece, who just happened to celebrate her 3rd birthday today. I had several shots to choose from but just kept being pulled back to this one for some reason. Happy Birthday Miss Olivia!
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Contact Me
A Photoblog by MoeCakes Photography that shares a single photo on a daily basis. Lasting a total of 365 days, it will not only create a daily (and collective) glimpse into my personal life, but challenge me as a photographer to utilize and develop my skills in new and unique ways.
About Me

- Lisa @ MoeCakes
- Grad Student. Wife. Mom. An artist, yogi, photographer, graphic designer, former teacher and has been part of my life since I can remember. I love the sound of a shutter clicking, travel, lotus flowers, inversions, backyards, an ice cold G&T, a great pair of shoes, and an inspiring read....just to name a few. I truly believe Ewan MacGregor could be my best friend and I was a dancer in my past life....or at least should have been. (And no, I can't dance.) LIFE IS GOOD.