Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SeventyFive
Is it just me, or do others find these little ZuZu Pets just a bit creepy? Walking into a living room with 10 or so "crawling" across the floor, well it's just weird!!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SeventyThree
So this week I was lucky enough to have my in-laws keep Moe & Cakes for a few days. As I pulled into Oma & Opa's driveway I saw this one running up to me looking as if she had some sort of disease taking over her body. As she came to my door, the realization of what I was seeing hit. Could she have gotten any more tattoos covering her body? Anyone that has ever tried to get off the "temporary tattoos" knows the OMG that went through my head just imagining trying to remove all 40+ of them. Temporary just means that they will ONE DAY come off, not that this will happen with ease. 30 minutes and half a bottle of nail polish remover later she was cleared of all tattoos. Her comment in the midst of removal: "Momma, I don't think I will do this again. One or two is enough." Ya think?
Friday, July 27, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SeventyTwo
I promise I haven't fallen off the edge of the earth. But this mom just needed a little bit of a breather. This mom also needs school to start. I'm dying to dive into my business and skill feet first, but just can't with the little ones at home day in and day out. And that also means 365 often gets placed on the back burner from time to time. I haven't done laundry in over a week, let alone picked up the camera. So to get back on track..... the next couple shots are actual pictures taken on the scheduled day. However, starting at Day 275 I'm going to do a bit of catch up. In order to stay on track I'll be taking 2 pictures a day and back posting along with a current post. I'd like to say it won't happen again, but then I'd probably be lying. :-)
When I saw this taking place over my back fence, I had to go grab the camera. Clouds never cease to amaze me.
When I saw this taking place over my back fence, I had to go grab the camera. Clouds never cease to amaze me.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Day TwoHundred-Seventy-One
The last day of Weaston Week ended with my favorite shot of all. I had several to choose from but kept coming back to this one in particular. It's the Varsity squad and what a group they are. They are a strong and talented group with absolutely fantastic attitudes. Smiles, laughter, and encouragement was apparent across the boards all week long. I can't say enough how much I enjoyed this last week of sessions. Thank you again to all of those involved and a special thanks to Coach Weaston!!!
Oh, and I so think the socks make the picture :-) but really hope they will ask me back to do this same shot in uniforms!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Day TwoHundred-Seventy
Today was a painting day for the girls and guy....and coaches! in Weaston Week. Run-throughs, banners, you name it. As the artist of my cheer squad back in the day, I LOVED this part. And this picture was one of my favorites because it really reminded me of myself.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SixtyNine
Today I was lucky enough to have a photo shoot capturing some candid moments of a group that was a major part of my life for many years back in the day. However, I know we never worked quite as hard as these 24 kids. Bootcamp wasn't part of our cheerleading vocabulary back then! Documenting a few days of the Seven Lakes HS summer cheer camp not only brought me back 15 years, but gave me some great opportunities to get a few different perspectives behind the lens. It's been awhile since I've gotten out the wide angle, but so much fun to use on shots like this!
For more pictures from today (and tomorrow) be sure to check out http://www.moecakes.blogspot.com/ over the next few days! Pictures will be posted soon!
And just for old time sake..... F-A-L-C-O-N-S! Yeah Red! Yeah Blue! Yeah White! Falcons Fight!!!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SixtyEight
With the hubby on a business trip and girls at the in-laws, I am quite excited to get a couple days to myself. What does that really mean? Laundry, cleaning, a couple glasses of wine and chick-flick movie marathons. Exciting stuff let me tell ya!!
However, I do have to give props to one of my faves. A man I've known since I was a teen (literally) and is a wealth of random facts, trivia and knowledge. I'm performing a folding move taught by "Z". The best (and only) way to fold a T-shirt. I'm telling you, it rocks.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SixtySix
Having a pool is scary enough but even more so when you have a non-swimmer on your hands. So when Cakes made it across the pool by herself, finally figuring out how to breath it was a HUGE deal! Looks like we've finally got a swimmer on our hands!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SixtyFive
How my big baby boy stays cool in the Texas summer sun.
And did you notice??? Day TwoHundred-SixtyFive!? That means only 100 days to go. Wow....guess that means I'm on the final phase!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SixtyThree
What happens when you have a toy cicak (lizard) that you keep taping different places throughout the house hoping to scare your dad? You wait with giddy excitement for his reaction!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SixtyTwo
F is for Freckles....
This month's ABC Challenge for I Heart Faces is the letter F. As soon as I saw that, I knew what I had to use..... this little freckled faced beauty - who also happens to be my own Moe. She doesn't take a lot after me in her physical appearance - hair is her aunt, looks are her dad - except in the freckles. Those I know she gets from me. Growing up with freckles can have it's not so fun moments, as they are "cute" when you are little, and often considered "not cool" as you enter your teens. So I have made it a mission to make her confident in her own "angel kisses", hanging a sign early on above her bed that says, "I night without stars is like a face without freckles". And it's what I truly believe. I wouldn't trade her freckles, or my own for that matter, for anything in the world.
A couple other runner ups....
Monday, July 16, 2012
Day TwoHundred-SixtyOne
Summer days can be very long at times and trying to fill them without actually going anywhere can be interesting. That's why bath time happened around noon today. A good hour long bath time in Mom and Dad's jacuzzi tub. Not only did it allow Mom to pick up and clean her bathroom, get some laundry sorted, AND get her 365 of the day....but it entertained Moe & Cakes while getting them clean! Sounds like perfectly good reasons for a mid-day bath.
And because I couldn't just do this little freckle-faced beauty....here's the other one as well.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Day TwoHundred-Sixty
This was our first day in quite some time with an "empty house". All visitors headed home today. Therefore, it basically consisted of a lot of this. And I mean A LOT of this.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FiftyNine
Because the party pretty much consumed our weekend an additional day has been given to these little Fashionistas. No explanation needed. Rock on girls.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FiftyEight
It was a Fashionista Birthday this year for Miss Cakes. And boy did we pull it off. With the help of greats friends, we had food and cake, hair, make-up and nails stations and these girls were ready for the runway. They each even received their own head shot. What a great time and what a lucky little girl!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FiftySix
Miss Nur is someone we will never forget. She typically comes up in conversation about once a week. Well today the girls received a little gift that she sent with our friends that came to visit from Jakarta. Every time I read the note to Moe it makes me tear up. We love and miss you, Miss Nur.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FiftyFive
On a trip to the mall to pass some time and eat some lunch before an afternoon of trampoline fun, this is what I turned around to find. Four kids doing the Indonesian squat while watching the ongoings of a jellybean being kicked throughout the mall floor. This may not strike everyone as completely humorous but for those of us that have had the pleasure of living abroad it is a topic of many a conversation. That is, how do Indonesian knees handle that position?!?! You see it everywhere from men "relaxing" on the streets, to landscaping work, to bus stops to well yes, it is the form used for all bathroom "habits". And the fact that these kids did it without thought, well, just means that they've all been in Indo long enough. It's time for the Caron family to move home!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FiftyFour
What is a BFF? A friend that lives on the other side of the world, but takes a week out of her summer to visit you. What a pair, these two. Moe asked the other day, "If you could live anywhere in the world where would you choose?" Her response to her own question was "Wherever is closest to Katie". That would be the little girl next to her...also known as her BFF.
And my apologies on the iPhone pic. When I'm in a hurry, I have a tendency to take my camera without the memory card because it's still sitting in my computer from the 365 load of the prior day. Today was no exception.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FiftyThree
The majority of today was spent cleaning. Catching up inside the house and preparing for the next week of visitors, parties, and nonstop summer days. And when the parents are busy this is where you will often find Moe. It's her place to write lyrics, poems and stories. SUCH a cool kid.
A Moe Original:
Without you is like a storm without rain,
Without you is like a bird that don't sing,
Without you is like a fish that is not in the sea -
Where it's supposed to be.
Did I mention how cool this kid is?
For Moe's live version check this out.....
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FiftyTwo
We have about a day and a half before the next round of visitors come to stay with us, so we took today off.... or at least Mom and Dad did. Oddly enough Moe & Cakes entertained themselves for the most part of the day, even getting along for most of it! Sigh of relief from the parent end for sure!
Friday, July 6, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FiftyOne
24 hours in a day? Moe had to be in the pool for a good 18 of them today! Of course, I'm all of for it when I get a shot like this.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Day TwoHundred-Fifty
Non-stop. That explains our family for the last week. And when that is the pace of life, there is no doubt you will have moments like this one. The absolute misery in her face is heartbreaking, I know. The reason? Mom threw away a drawing that 3 hours prior, Cakes gave permission to be thrown away.... So don't feel too bad - it's really just called an EXHAUSTED child.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FortyEight
Coming home from a mini-vacation is never easy, but coming home to a brand new backyard pool makes it just a little easier! It's been a long wait, but is all worth it when you get to take that first cannon ball jump into the cool blue water!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Day TwoHundred-FortySeven
We headed back home today after another full, fun and successful weekend (rain and all) in Port Aransas. This shot was actually taken on Saturday night, but it's one of my favorites from the weekend. We were lucky enough to have Aunt Mary in town this year. It was her first year to be part of the crazy fun and the kids loved having her there....especially when it was time for the late night dance party. Who doesn't love a good sing and dance routine to Call Me Maybe? Maybe next year Uncle Hans will be able to join the dance party too!
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Contact Me
A Photoblog by MoeCakes Photography that shares a single photo on a daily basis. Lasting a total of 365 days, it will not only create a daily (and collective) glimpse into my personal life, but challenge me as a photographer to utilize and develop my skills in new and unique ways.
About Me

- Lisa @ MoeCakes
- Grad Student. Wife. Mom. An artist, yogi, photographer, graphic designer, former teacher and expat...photography has been part of my life since I can remember. I love the sound of a shutter clicking, travel, lotus flowers, inversions, backyards, an ice cold G&T, a great pair of shoes, and an inspiring read....just to name a few. I truly believe Ewan MacGregor could be my best friend and I was a dancer in my past life....or at least should have been. (And no, I can't dance.) LIFE IS GOOD.