This gorgeous girl represents the Class of 2013....but personally she is even more than that. I was one of the first to be called by her brother, a very good childhood friend of mine, the day she was born (while I was in HS). And 18 years later I get the privilege of taking her Senior pictures. Thanks Carah- I'm honored you chose me to capture such an important chapter of your life.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyFive
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyFour - Grey's Spoiler!
(I'm not sure what to even type b/c I just watched the Premiere of Grey's and I'm at a loss. Sigh....)
But ok - onto today's pic. (Sloan? So unfair.) I have a song playing through my head for this past week which is "I get knocked down, but I get up again - you're never gonna keep me down"...but it's the opposite "I get up and get knocked down again - I can't seem to keep my kids up". Cakes is finally back up (doing her make-up work) and poor Moe is back down. Upper respiratory and ear infection has struck. Poor baby. I think she would prefer the vomit. This mom is just ready for this week to be over!
Oh, and I have three shoots over the next three days - all of which are supposed to have rain. Can someone please do a rain dance for me? (Of course it can't be McSteamy).
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyTwo
Moe's costume arrived today -- that's both girls ready for Halloween over a month early. Talk about being on the ball!! Impressed? I know I am, it very rarely seems to happen these days. And in a house full of puke and the such here recently, I thought this picture was such a pretty contrast.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyOne
Temporary Tongue Tattoo.....really? Where does this stuff come from. And of course Cakes has already gone through all 6 of them. But then I guess that shouldn't surprise me, please see Exhibit A.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Thirty
Today was spent bringing fall and Halloween to the interior of my household - love doing this! But moreso today was about being Nurse Mom. My poor baby, Moe, AND her Dad both woke up last night with some sort of stomach bug. And man, did it knock them out. Talk about gross. I'm just praying that it doesn't go beyond those two. Cakes and Mom are fine far away from this one!!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-TwentyNine
Today's photo shoot was follow-up to this family's session a few weeks ago. A gorgeous little girl named Elliot. It was also a testament to real life. Let's just say the shoot didn't go as this Mom had hoped. 'Controlling' an infant to do what you want (that is to go to sleep!), well, for any parent out there they know - IT DOESN'T HAPPEN. And it was not in Ms. Elliot's schedule today to nap during her screen debut. But the wonderful thing is that it didn't matter. It's exactly what I love to do - capture life. And sometimes it goes according to plan and sometimes it doesn't - but either way, the outcome is beautiful.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-TwentyEight
Tomorrow is the first day of Fall, my FAVORITE time of year. And what better way to celebrate then to start the holiday decor extravaganza?!?
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-TwentySeven
It must be fall. From Thursday-Sunday, this is what my living room looks like. Wish I actually enjoyed football and not just the beer (and guy on the couch).
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-TwentySix
The mail came today. Along with Cake's Halloween costume....but this is all you get until the Oct. 31st.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-TwentyFive
I will admit, it's been a long time since I've been around a newbie like this one. Oh, how much I love them at this age now that they aren't mine!!! He was quite the trooper, awake for the first half but finally crashing about the last 30 minutes of the shoot....and that's when I was able to grab this "frame-worthy" photo. And as much as it looks like I added the frame post-edit....I didn't. It's an empty frame with Mr. William inside. Such a sweetheart.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-TwentyFour
School is back in session, and right here in my kitchen. Moe decided that if she had homework then Cakes needed some too. After realizing maybe Math wasn't the way to go, I suggested she pull out the Alphabet flash cards. If I only had a recording of this "tutor time" as well. Let's just say Moe is a definite stickler when it comes to her teaching methods!!
10 days and finally caught up...Phew!!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-TwentyThree
Remember that block party I spoke of in yesterday's Daily 365? Well, it was a complete SUCCESS. A gathering of more than 25 families (between two streets), a bike parade, 4 grills, lots of food and lots of getting to know your neighbors. And this is a perfect example of those "little things" you don't know about your neighbors until great gatherings like this....I mean who knew the nice, quiet man, from Trinidad, named Nigel, is a "secret master" DJ??!!! Great times and GREAT music!
(Back-dated, Sunday, Sept. 16th)
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-TwentyTwo
Today was Moe's first day of dance class. From "Ally's Dance Camp" this summer, to her constant improv routines, it's something she's been begging to do for months. So then 10 minutes into her first class, when I looked up and saw her in the back of the room wiping tears away I thought, dear lord help me. A child with such talent, spunk and unique-ness, she can break down and withdraw in a matter of seconds. Nerves and embarrassment had gotten the best of her. With no patience for (another) paid activity that we would not participate in, I didn't leave much wiggle room. She had two choices: Quit the tears and do this OR go home and be done for good. And do it she did. Made it through ballet with a smile on her face as she walked out the door. But -- I think Dad get's to take her next week, not sure this mom can handle another week of tears (which I know there will be). Oh, and before you go feeling too sorry for her, she proceeded to sing Bruno Mars karaoke style later that night in front of our entire neighborhood block party (50+ people, MOSTLY strangers). Love that darn girl but grrrrrr......
(Back-dated, Saturday, Sept. 15th)
Friday, September 14, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-TwentyOne
What's a hibachi dinner without the volcano ending? Good friends, good food, good night after a long week.
(Back-dated, Friday, Sept. 14th)
And because I couldn't pass this one up --
Did someone say Backdraft?? I think I even spotted Kurt Russell through the flames!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Twenty
I'm 33 and have NEVER grilled. Tonight I did it all...and it was good...and no one got sick. You should be proud, very proud.
(Back-dated, Thursday, Sept. 13th)
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Un-Balanced Halt
Another final halt in my 365 - after another busy weekend, I woke up Monday morning like every other day but within 30 minutes could no longer stand let alone walk in a straight line. With the help of "the troops" (some fan-tab-u-lous friends), my hubby, family, hospital gowns and many tests later.... I am back home with no real answers, but on the way to recovery. However, the camera has not been with me. So bear with me on this last halt of 365, while I work to re-balance myself and re-balance my life a bit! As soon as I do, I promise to finish off 365 in style.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Eighteen
Taken at Ground Zero in February 2012.
In honor of Sept. 11th and all the lives lost but never forgotten.
(Back-dated, Tuesday, Sept. 11th)
Monday, September 10, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Seventeen
I thought this was the perfect shot for "today". I was getting the girls ready for school on this Monday morning, when, in a matter of minutes, I went from feeling fine to very much the opposite. Long story short, I ended up with two wonderful friends at my doorstep ready take charge (kids on bus and me to hospital) and my husband breaking every speed limit sign from Sweeney to Katy. The the next two days were spent in the hospital amid tests, doctors and nurses...however, one thing remained steady and true - my best friend by my side the whole time.
Update: Still working to figure things out but on the mend.
And I have to give credit where credit is due... photo (prepped by Mom) but taken by Moe herself. :-)
(Back-dated Monday, Sept. 10th)
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Sixteen
This picture just makes me laugh. Didn't use it originally because of the people in the background, but Moe's true joy and Dad's goofball mug frozen in time...well, it's the essence of my motto "moments captured", and I smile every time I see it.
(Back-dated Sunday, Sept. 9th)
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Fifiteen
The 365 pics over the next few days are a little bit of a "cheat". Due to a busy weekend followed by a couple days spent in the hospital, no pictures were actually taken during this time. But instead of missing these days, I decided to use some "runner-ups" that were taken during our family vacation last month to San Antonio. And here is the first --
A giant sculpture in the middle of downtown San Antonio, it's pretty striking in person, but to me even more so as an abstract photograph. I just love this shot.
(Back-dated Saturday, Sept. 8th)
Friday, September 7, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Fourteen
DID YOU MISS ME??? Kinda gross, I know! But I had to grab your attention with something a little drastic. I mean it has been over a week! Thanks as always for waiting patiently -- it's been, well honestly, I've been better, but hopefully I'm back for the home stretch of 365.
So, what are we looking at? Well, let's just say I was doing a bit of cleaning when I noticed my Dyson (one of my FAVORITE electronics (yes, I said it and MEAN it)) wasn't really doing anything. So, I flipped the sucker over and VOILA! The mystery was instantly solved. I mean really Lisa? I have vacuumed, believe it or not, at least once a week over the past few months, but when was the last time I actually vacuumed something UP?!? I'm still amazed when I look at this picture...and have to laugh. Needless, to say, with some scissors and a dust-palooza my Dyson is like new (and carpets a hell of a lot cleaner!).
(Back-dated Friday, Sept. 7th)
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Thirteen
So, Moe came home today and showed me this little piece of paper. It was the "digits" to a little boy in her class. No ordinary digits, but the ones that would link her and him to their Dragonvale games (thanks Grandma!). As I wasn't really concerned, since obviously these won't work, I was a little taken aback.... did Moe really just get her first digits from a boy??!! Wow. Sorry Dad.
Oh, and she made me promise not to "show" anyone. Told her I was just taking the picture to show her Dad. So don't tell her you saw this. :-)
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Twelve
Day 7 of school and pink eye strikes!! Cakes came downstairs this morning with two swollen eyes and this one glued shut, crying because she was blind. When she heard me say....well, someone's got pink eye, she trepidatiously asked "what happens when someone's eyes are pink??" Moe's response "They are no longer white". Gotta love sisterly love. And gotta love back to school germs.
Are you cringing yet? Better yet, do your eyes itch now?
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Eleven
Today I spent the day getting things back in order after the long weekend...that means my house, my website, and my latest shoot. While finishing up my retouching and edit work on Friday's shoot, this thought came to mind - what stops people from actually BOOKING a session? Everyone says "I really want to/need to" but getting them to pull the trigger is 100% of the battle. I think so many times people worry about if their child will cooperate, or if they will look their best, or if things will turn out....and because of this they tend to put professional pictures on the back burner. So I put this combo together. Take a closer look to the picture on the left -- That's not an scream of excitement and laughter, it's a scream of "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!!!" (Actually, I kinda like it! Makes me smile and is very real life!!) Now look at the photo on the right -- This was only a few minutes later when we refocused our attention off of little E. Dad had him giggling and playing, while we still managed to get the purpose (the belly) and the entire family in the shot. And it has become on of my favorites of the morning. So basically-- Will a shoot run perfectly with no hiccups? Most likely not (especially with little ones!) and that's ok! Will you LOVE every picture taken? Most likely not (and you won't ever see most of those!) and that's ok! But will you be 100% satisfied and happy you FINALLY got those photos taken? YES. So what's stopping you??
Monday, September 3, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Nine
Picture it 15-ish years ago, a little more hair, a little less "majority" in those waists and faces.... but the same good group of boys. Oh, and then picture the setting as a frat house, not the backyard Bali of a home in the Burbs.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Eight
Football season has begun -----> Today is Game Day -----> My husbands Saturdays are now full and his life is complete.
What this really means, many wives are now "Saturday-widows" (props to Lori). But I know how deep his love runs for the University of Houston Cougars (believe me, it's DEEP), and it also means that a few days this fall I get to hang out with him as well as a whole lot of dear old friends, tailgating, drinking some good ol' keg beer and enjoying some football. And that's exactly what we did today.
Unfortunately, Game 1 didn't end well, for UofH, but regardless, a whole lot of people were there to cheer them on and a whole lot of fun was had!!
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- Day ThreeHundred-ThirtySeven
- Day ThreeHundred-ThirtySix
- Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyFive
- Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyFour - Grey's Spoiler!
- Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyThree
- Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyTwo
- Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyOne
- Day ThreeHundred-Thirty
- Day ThreeHundred-TwentyNine
- Day ThreeHundred-TwentyEight
- Day ThreeHundred-TwentySeven
- Day ThreeHundred-TwentySix
- Day ThreeHundred-TwentyFive
- Day ThreeHundred-TwentyFour
- Day ThreeHundred-TwentyThree
- Day ThreeHundred-TwentyTwo
- Day ThreeHundred-TwentyOne
- Day ThreeHundred-Twenty
- Day ThreeHundred-Nineteen
- Un-Balanced Halt
- Day ThreeHundred-Eighteen
- Day ThreeHundred-Seventeen
- Day ThreeHundred-Sixteen
- Day ThreeHundred-Fifiteen
- Day ThreeHundred-Fourteen
- Day ThreeHundred-Thirteen
- Day ThreeHundred-Twelve
- Day ThreeHundred-Eleven
- Day ThreeHundred-Ten
- Day ThreeHundred-Nine
- Day ThreeHundred-Eight
Contact Me
A Photoblog by MoeCakes Photography that shares a single photo on a daily basis. Lasting a total of 365 days, it will not only create a daily (and collective) glimpse into my personal life, but challenge me as a photographer to utilize and develop my skills in new and unique ways.
About Me

- Lisa @ MoeCakes
- Grad Student. Wife. Mom. An artist, yogi, photographer, graphic designer, former teacher and has been part of my life since I can remember. I love the sound of a shutter clicking, travel, lotus flowers, inversions, backyards, an ice cold G&T, a great pair of shoes, and an inspiring read....just to name a few. I truly believe Ewan MacGregor could be my best friend and I was a dancer in my past life....or at least should have been. (And no, I can't dance.) LIFE IS GOOD.