Sunday, October 28, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-SixtyFive
Wow. I made it. A year. I really can't believe it...that I kept up and that it's been a YEAR! I spent some time tonight filing through some of the archives and it is such a journey, it really is. From the streets of Jakarta, to the crisp air of New Zealand to the great state of Texas - and everything in between - it really was just that, a chronicle of my journey. I'm not sure where I'll go from here, and I've been asked by many as to "Are you really going to stop?". And the answer is yes. MoeCakes is taking off and there is so much I can't wait to do professionally. But will I be able to stay away? The answer is no. I enjoy it far too much. I enjoy talking to no one in particular, but at the same time talking to everyone that wants to listen and look. And bottom line, I live behind a lens and I love it. So, maybe Daily will turn into Weekly, but I will be back, I promise.
Wow. You made it. A year. Whether you have been with me since DayOne or joined in along the way or even just took a look for the first time last week.... I thank you. Something that began really as a "I wonder if I could actually do this" became much more. I so enjoyed hearing the "I check it every day!" to "It's in my Favorites Bookmark" to "Maybe one day I'll make your 365!" All of your dedication and support has meant the world and kept TheArtofDailyLife going. So now it's your turn. Grab that camera, iPhone, pencil and paper....whatever it is for you....and capture the art in your life. It's beautiful.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-SixtyFour
I just don't think any additional explanation will really enhance the awesome-ness of today's photo. Pure genius I tell ya.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-SixtyThree
It was definitely one of those weeks that you wish you could dump into a garbage disposal....while running. So Friday I decided to release some of the stress of the week, in a way I've never even come close to before. I've never been a fan of guns, more a fear of the unknown, but when the opportunity presented itself, I jumped at the chance. I had a great friend and ex-military man, Z (who you met just a few days prior on 365) as my instructor and he rocked. Wouldn't have done it any other way. Started with a .22 and worked through a couple .45's, .357 King Cobra, and finished on a SCAR. Honestly, I really have no idea what that last sentence really means. But either way, it was completely kick ass. What you can't see in the frozen moment above is the shaking of my hands.
Disclaimer: I have this awesome habit of grabbing my camera on the go and then when I turn it on wherever I may be to snap a shot, there is on thing missing...the memory card. Today was no exception. And I was SO excited to get a great shot (no pun intended!). So this pic was taken from my iPhone, as well as by the hubby.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-SixtyTwo
Crazy Hair Day in our family is basically considered and treated as a holiday. We've got it down. Too bad the night before I had to head to the store at 9pm for some last minute spray that I thought we had in our stash. The stash had been raided a few months prior for someone's "Fashionista Birthday Party" - this tiny detail forgotten! In the was well worth it.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-SixtyOne
Today I was a chaperone for Cakes KG class field trip to a local farm, known as Dewberry Farm. Great place.... poorly run. So it was pretty much a solid day of 1300 kids from schools around the Houston/Katy area fumbling their way through as many activities as they could with no rhyme or reason. You know what I call that... a cluster-yea well, I'll be nice and won't go there. But as always, capturing the images from the day kept me more than entertained, and without that bit of background knowledge I just passed your way, well, from this picture I'd say Cakes thought it was a complete success. Love this shot.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Sixty
The sunrises recently have just been killer. Too bad once we fall back I won't be seeing many more of these!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FiftyNine
Yesterday started my season of HolidayMini's. And I think this little one captures the essence of everything "mini". She just happens to be a close neighbor with parents that I adore. And man, is this little one a firecracker. I'm really considering using a collage of her facial expressions as my own Christmas card this year! Can't get enough of this bundle of spunk.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FiftyEight
We had this fella as a houseguest this past weekend. Not only a total sweetheart, but half ridgeback who was a spitting image (in the face) of our first ridgeback, Macey. Couldn't help but fall in love.
Day ThreeHundred-FiftySeven
Two of my favorite people giving their impression of the "BlueSteel Stare" (for those of you unaware it's a Zoolander reference). Classic.
Oh, and babe, this one was tweaked especially for you. :-)
Friday, October 19, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FiftySix
Best part behind this photo is the story. Cakes is looking at a boy in her class during her sister's big "speaking" night at their school's dedication ceremony. She just thinks he is SOOO FUNNY, and of course we all know what that is code for.... CRUSH. Sorry Dad, this one will give you a run for your money.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FiftyFive
My new favorite spot to save the one thing I CONSTANTLY lose. From now on, all shoots will be done in boots. (Well, at least until Spring). Clever, I KNOW!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FiftyFour
While chatting at a neighbor's house this afternoon over a glass of wine, I heard a sort of quiet snorting behind me. When I looked back this is what I saw. REALLY!?!? Can you say LOVE?? And her name is Tinkerbell. And she's a complete sweetheart. Can I have one?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FiftyThree
What do you get when you mix two little girls, a big heart, a box of chalk, a rainy afternoon, and an empty garage?
Monday, October 15, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FiftyTwo
Beginning eight years ago yesterday, I was in a room at St. Luke's Hospital, working to meet my first child, a daughter named Alison Noelle. I continued to work to meet this child for 31 hours, finally bringing her into this world around 10:30pm the following night (8 years ago today). Never could I have imagined what kind of girl this baby would grow into. In front of me today I see a smart, creative, artistically bursting, curious, sensitive, caring, beautiful - and forever unique, eight year old little girl - and now can't imagine what kind of pre-teen, adolescent, young adult and adult she will grow into. I'm not one of those that likes to sugar coat the realities of parenting, it's not all pretty and fun - and I'll be one of the first to admit this and discuss it in full sarcastic detail- but it IS an amazing journey. My husband and I, WE, created this freckle-faced wonder.... and every so often it is so important stop "time" and remember, how blessed WE are to have created such an amazing human-being. I look forward to watching her grow over the next 8 years and 8 years after that....and 8 years after that....and....
Happy Birthday to the "first" inspiration behind MoeCakes, Moe herself.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FiftyOne
Remember when tp'ing a friend's house was a great way to show that you cared? Let's face it, getting up int the middle of the night to (basically) vandalize a friend's house - now THAT is true devotion!! So just consider this a division of that same concept. I mean, what better way to show your child that the entire day is about them then with a streamer wrapped doorway?? Maybe next year I should go back to the basics with toilet paper!? Will that say "I Love You" even more?? All joking aside, Moe loved it! It was a great way to start the morning with a well deserved smile.
Oh, and I must thank Pinterest. You are a never-ending wealth of ideas that allow everyday Mom's to kick themselves and say "I should have thought of that!!" but appear to those around them NOT on Pinterest to think they are REALLY creative!!!
Close up of the sleeping birthday girl.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Fifty
The next few days are pretty much centered around one thing...and that would be a special little girl's 8th birthday. Tonight was the birthday party. The birthday girl, four friends, one sister, and a WHOLE LOT OF giggles and shrieks, it was a "good ol' fashioned" slumber party - complete with swimming, dancing, board games, cake, presents, movies and best of all - A PILLOW FIGHT - I'd say it was a success. Oh, and you may not be able to tell, but under that pile of giggling girls, is Dad. :-)
Friday, October 12, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FortyNine
Not sure if any of my followers, regulars or drop-ins even noticed, but Day 349 was actually skipped last week when I was updating my 365. It wasn't due to not having a shot that day or a slight overlook. It was actually done on purpose! I did take many pictures that evening but hadn't yet gotten to the post edit side of things. (Today I did.) The woman on the right is a dear college friend of mine that contacted me many weeks ago asking if I would be willing to volunteer my time to photograph a special event that she is involved in and whenever I am offered the chance to give back, it isn't even a question. This group is known as Friends of St. Jude and is a group of young professionals work and raise money for the St. Jude cause and help fight against childhood cancer. On this evening they were having a special benefit along with Texas Young Professionals called the Hope Benefit. It was a night of networking, socializing, silent auction, drink, food and dancing - all for one reason - to raise money for a great cause. I was honored to be asked to capture the evening but as I get before any shoot, big or small, a tad nervous (okay, this one, more than a tad). I'm not necessarily used to having the task of walking up to strangers and asking if I can take their picture! Furthermore, I knew lighting would be something to address, but overall -- I just didn't want to mess up! (Was I really qualified for this sort of thing? Are they sure they wanted MoeCakes? Dear lord, don't let me accidentally erase the pics!!) But as I recently heard an inspiring photographer, Kelle Hampton, recently say during the iheartfaces Photo Conference, when in doubt or uncomfortable, the best place to be is where you (as a photographer) are most comfortable, and that's "hiding" behind the camera. So I did just that! All in all, it was a great evening out, a great way to catch up with an old friend, and in more ways than one, a really great learning experience. I really do feel blessed to have been part of the night and part of the ever-growing fight against childhood cancer.
And for more from my evening at the Hope here.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FortySeven
It's official. We have finally hit the age of "at home school projects". We have completed our first one, creating a map of the neighborhood. There were only two break downs, pretty good I'd say. Remember this is Moe we are talking about. The girl that falls apart any time something isn't perfect. Notice the different color orange houses?? Tears. See that little bit of red on one of the orange houses?? Tears. But all in all - I'd say it was a success. And a 100 for sure.
And for the record, she took ALL of the pictures herself. Come on, former teacher here, I know the rules. And it's Moe. Do you think she would actually let me touch more than the corner?
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FortySix
Packaging - there is so much you can do with a brand. Too much at times. I look forward to the day that I can drop a few bills on this side of my business. It's so much fun to make things pretty - especially when you know how meaningful the items inside are to the person on the receiving end. And I admit, it's fun to see MY business name stamped across things... It's a constant reminder to myself.... Yes, I did this.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FortyFive
Between Facebook and 365, I may be giving away my possibilities for this year's Christmas cards, but do you blame me? Not that I'm biased or anything, but how cute are my girls???
I started the prep work yesterday for today's "Holiday Mini-Session by MoeCakes" - got them new clothes, talked up the fun we would have, curled hair and yes, threatened them just a bit -- that this would go well and we would have a good time....but you know what?! We DID! (Insert note below from Moe following shoot!)
Both of them at dinner tonight told me that their "high" was the photo shoot with Mom! How cool is that? And the pictures really show it. Selena Gomez in the background, crisp fall weather, and just a fun morning all around.
Pictures shared earlier on MoeCakes Photography -- Facebook.
Goodness I love my kiddos. Could look at these pictures a thousand times over. That's when I know - I have some fabulous shots. And that's why I LOVE photography. I want to remember these moments - these mornings - these feelings - these faces. And you should too, of your own loved ones and of your own life- if it's not me, make it another photographer or make it yourself....just capture these moments. Freeze time. Hold it close. Look at it often. It's beautiful.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FortyFour
What happens when you get to spend the day with Ms. Tami while Mom is out of town and Dad is at a football game? Holiday nails - that's what!!! I'm telling you, this woman works wonders with nail polish, acrylic paint and a toothpick.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FortyThree
I will be posting more from today on my Sessions & Such blog page, but for the purposes of 365, I thought this was the perfect image of the day. If you've ever wondered what happens when you get a group of photographers together for some hands on training - well, here ya go. A whole lot of clicking. And you thought having one camera in front of your face was uncomfortable!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FortyTwo
Today was actually spent getting to this location for a weekend away at a photography conference held at Southfork Ranch. So, technically this picture doesn't happen until tomorrow, but it was a good represention of the weekend ahead!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-FortyOne
Today I've been working on getting my print packages together for the Seven Lakes Junior High Cheerleading squad. I was asked if I'd be willing do their individual and team portraits, and well, of course I wouldn't turn that down! So last week I took one of the girls on a "test run" for settings, poses, etc. Well this beautiful chicka just happens to be one of my very favorite girls of all time. And this candid just happens to be one of my very favorite shots. Complete shot, complete story, and absolutely natural. Just stunning K. (And don't roll your IS.)
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-Forty
So I've quickly come to realize that I seem to be the last person to actually know what "Being Booed" is, but nonetheless, it's right up my alley. I know- even being the Pinterest junkie that I am, nope never saw this one. So when it happened to us last night, I was thrilled! Really grinning like an idiot. I just love cheesy things like this especially when it pertains to the holidays or gift giving. And the fact that now I get to go make a couple gift baskets to leave on other people's doorsteps tonight?? Well, OKAY!! ((Cheesy hand clapping and big smile in the background.))
And if you are one of the lone few that don't know what this is....I mean where have you been living? Indonesia or something? Then take a look here, it will explain....and then go ahead - get to Booing!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyNine
I won't lie, I spent the entire day behind the computer and didn't actually pick up my camera. However, I was doing post-edit work from Sunday's shoot, so figured it counts. I was getting the Sneak Peek for the same girl you saw a couple days ago up and ready, and this quickly became one of my favorites of the day. For Carah's full Sneak Peek take a look at Sessions & Such - the blog right next door! Or just click here.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Day ThreeHundred-ThirtyEight
Today's weather was near "fall perfection" in my book (at least Texas style). A good 10-15 degrees cooler would make it truly perfect, but overall a pretty good fall day. And while I enjoyed, what will be gone most likely tomorrow, I came upon this flock of birds sitting at one of Cross Creek's lakes. They were pretty cool to watch and I love that the photo almost makes you feel like it's a true Fall scene...with changing leaves and all. Of course, I think they are really just new trees that haven't quite taken yet (or close to dying) but what the hell.... I can pretend and so can you.
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Contact Me
A Photoblog by MoeCakes Photography that shares a single photo on a daily basis. Lasting a total of 365 days, it will not only create a daily (and collective) glimpse into my personal life, but challenge me as a photographer to utilize and develop my skills in new and unique ways.
About Me

- Lisa @ MoeCakes
- Grad Student. Wife. Mom. An artist, yogi, photographer, graphic designer, former teacher and has been part of my life since I can remember. I love the sound of a shutter clicking, travel, lotus flowers, inversions, backyards, an ice cold G&T, a great pair of shoes, and an inspiring read....just to name a few. I truly believe Ewan MacGregor could be my best friend and I was a dancer in my past life....or at least should have been. (And no, I can't dance.) LIFE IS GOOD.