Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Day ThreeHundred-SixtyOne

Today I was a chaperone for Cakes KG class field trip to a local farm, known as Dewberry Farm.  Great place.... poorly run.  So it was pretty much a solid day of 1300 kids from schools around the Houston/Katy area fumbling their way through as many activities as they could with no rhyme or reason.  You know what I call that... a cluster-yea well, I'll be nice and won't go there.  But as always, capturing the images from the day kept me more than entertained, and without that bit of background knowledge I just passed your way, well, from this picture I'd say Cakes thought it was a complete success.  Love this shot.

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A Photoblog by MoeCakes Photography that shares a single photo on a daily basis. Lasting a total of 365 days, it will not only create a daily (and collective) glimpse into my personal life, but challenge me as a photographer to utilize and develop my skills in new and unique ways.

About Me

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Grad Student. Wife. Mom. An artist, yogi, photographer, graphic designer, former teacher and has been part of my life since I can remember. I love the sound of a shutter clicking, travel, lotus flowers, inversions, backyards, an ice cold G&T, a great pair of shoes, and an inspiring read....just to name a few. I truly believe Ewan MacGregor could be my best friend and I was a dancer in my past life....or at least should have been. (And no, I can't dance.) LIFE IS GOOD.